The girl, like the boy, at the beginning of life identifies with the figure who provides her care. They are the primary identifications as we call them. In the first months of life this happens strongly. And it continues but with variations, because then others participate in the child’s life with whom there are also some identifications. At the end of the second year, the girl turns to the father who begins to take an interest in her. She is interested in why her mom finds interest in him and why he finds interest in his wife and to hisdaughter. This turn is important and plays a major role in the girl’s desire and sexuality.
Female Psychoemotional Development – From Mother To Father And Back To Mother – Men Have The Role Of Mother Too
Her mom is always there but the interest has shifted. Later in her life she will choose a man in whom she will look not for her father as many believe but for her mother. Of course she is interested in men and her father was a role model for male behavior but we see that the deepest desire is to meet her mother again. So she has two turns in attachments. The first turn is from identifying with her mother to going to the father and learning about him, using him for the needs she imagines her mother has but and herself, and the second turn is from the man-father and back again to the mother.
So men also have the role of their wife’s mom, especially in the first year of their child’s life. But not only. Sex, in addition to physical pleasure for women, is also a form of acceptance, that they want them. Attention the same. It is a necessity that they want them. For men it is not such a strong need unless they are very attached to their mother. They also indirectly ask if they were good at sex because they care about beating other men and because they fear castration, that they didn’t do well. Men are more interested in the penetrating part in life. They are on the phallic side, interested in conquering a woman because they cannot give birth themselves. On the contrary, women know this possibility even if they don’t want to have children. Female sexuality has been studied and continues to be studied from a psychoanalytical point of view. It is not as labyrinthine as we first thought, or as Freud himself had put a mysterious veil on it. There are certainly many and highly specialized things that concern its dimensions, such as the themes of playing with the mother’s body, aggression directed at the mother, fantasies that unfold at the level of the “father mother daughter” triangle relationship, but those after after some time of treatment they surface with relative ease and can be smoothly reinvested in the girl’s psyche.
Critical mother
Psychotherapy to address the psychological effects of maternal criticism is a form of treatment that seeks to provide a safe and supportive environment for children.
It examines the long-term effects of criticism, as well as strategies for dealing with it.
Definition and examples
It is a therapeutic intervention used to help individuals recover from traumatic experiences associated with judgmental or manipulative mothers. The Psychotherapist uses techniques from cognitive behavioral therapy and family systems therapy to help the person develop a healthier relationship with their mother. Its primary goal is to help the individual build self-esteem, as well as gain insight into the dynamics of the mother-child relationship.
In a session, the therapist works with the individual to explore emotional and psychological issues related to their mother. It also helps the individual identify behaviors and beliefs that hinder their ability to form healthy relationships with their mother.
It can be a difficult and time-consuming process, but the result can have a positive effect on the person’s life. Individuals can gain understanding and insight into their relationship with their mother, as well as develop the ability to create healthier relationships. This can lead to greater confidence, self-esteem and a greater sense of emotional well-being.
Signs of a critical mother
Criticism from the mother can take many forms, some of which can have a lasting impact on the child’s emotional and psychological development. This may include disparaging comments about physical appearance, intelligence or abilities, as well as unrealistic expectations placed on the child to meet. Other signs may be more subtle, such as withholding praise or showing reduced emotional warmth.
Research shows that it is linked to poorer academic performance, higher levels of anxiety, greater difficulty regulating emotions and lower self-esteem in children. In addition to the short-term effects the child experiences from a judgmental mother, long-term damage can also be caused. Children exposed to criticism may move into adulthood with a sense of worthlessness and lack of self-confidence.
This can have a significant impact on a person’s ability to form and maintain healthy relationships, as well as their overall mental health. In addition, the effects of critical behavior can be transmitted to future generations, as children who experience it are more likely to pass it on to their own children.
Strategies for dealing with criticism
Criticism can have a profound effect on a person’s emotional and psychological development, however there are strategies that can be used to help deal with and deal with the effects of this criticism.
One such strategy is building self-esteem by recognizing positive traits and achievements. This can be done through positive affirmations, positive self-talk and creating an environment of support and encouragement.
Additionally, it is important to set healthy boundaries with the mother by deciding what topics are open for discussion and what are off limits. This can be done by expressing your needs and feelings respectfully but also assertively.
Another effective strategy is to engage in activities that bring joy and relaxation. This can include exercise, hobbies and spending time with supportive friends and family. It is also beneficial to seek the help of a professional, such as a therapist or counselor, who can offer guidance and support in dealing with the feelings and emotions that arise from criticism.
Finally, it is important to practice mindfulness and self-compassion. Mindfulness is the practice of being non-judgmentally aware of one’s thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. Self-compassion involves being kind and understanding to ourselves during difficult times, recognizing that everyone makes mistakes and that it’s okay to feel negative emotions.
Using these strategies, the individual can learn to cope with the consequences of criticism and develop a healthier sense of self.
Psychological effects
The psychological effects of criticism from a mother can have a lasting effect on a person’s psychological and emotional development. Research has found that it has the potential to lead to lower self-esteem and confidence in children and adolescents. It can also increase the likelihood of depression, anxiety and other negative emotions. Finally, it leads to an increased sense of alienation and loneliness, as well as a decrease in the individual’s ability to trust their own feelings and judgment.
The psychological effects of criticism from the mother can extend into adulthood. In many cases, the adult child may find himself seeking the mother’s approval even though he may have reached adulthood. This may be a result of the emotional distance resulting from the critical mother and the need for her approval.
Such behavior can also lead to feelings of insecurity, even in the face of their own successes. In addition, they may cause the adult child to struggle to establish his own independence. This may be a result of the adult child’s need to please his mother.
This can manifest in a variety of ways, from difficulty making independent decisions to difficulty forming and maintaining healthy relationships.
These individuals may need psychotherapy to deal with issues stemming from their childhood. The therapist can help them identify the root of their difficulties and discuss positive ways of coping and building a healthy sense of independence. With the right approach, it is possible for individuals to overcome the psychological effects of their upbringing and live a more fulfilling life.
Effects on the boy
The effects of a mother’s criticism on sons can be far-reaching and complex. The impact of criticism on a son can range from feelings of guilt and inadequacy to self-doubt and low self-esteem.
In some cases, a son may also suffer from depression or anxiety stemming from a lack of parental acceptance. Studies have shown that boys are more likely to struggle to form meaningful relationships and may feel disconnected from their peers. In addition, they may be more prone to misbehaving at school or engaging in criminal activities.
Long-term effects often depend on the severity and duration of the criticism. In some cases, the son may be able to overcome criticism and establish healthy relationships with others. In other cases, the son may be left with a lasting impression that he is inadequate or unworthy, leading to self-destructive behaviors.
With the help of therapy, however, they can learn to deal with their feelings and come to terms with their experiences.
Prevention of criticism from the mother
The impact of maternal criticism on children has been extensively studied. As a result, much knowledge has been gained about how such behavior can be prevented.
First, mothers need to be aware of the sources of criticism they may be unintentionally expressing. Common sources of criticism from mothers include comparisons with other people, negative comments about appearance, and harsh language. In addition, mothers should try to recognize their own emotional needs and learn to express them in healthier ways.
Maintaining open communication with children is also key. Regular discussions on constructive topics can help strengthen a sense of understanding and mutual respect. Additionally, allowing children to express their thoughts and feelings without judgment can help create an environment of trust and safety. Fostering an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion can help ensure a sense of respect and appreciation.
Positive behavior from the mother
Positive behavior can provide a foundation of support and understanding, allowing children to thrive and reach their full potential.
It is important to establish healthy communication with children, to participate in discussions that allow them to express their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment. This can be done by avoiding criticism and providing validation of the child’s experiences.
Providing a safe and healthy environment for children to grow is also important. This can be done by providing unconditional love and respecting the child’s autonomy.
By creating a safe and supportive environment, positive parenting can encourage children to reach their full potential and develop into confident and independent individuals.
It is important to remember that parenting is an ongoing process and that positive parenting techniques can be adapted and changed as the child grows and learns. Positive parenting is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and each parent must find an approach that works for their family and child.
Although it can be challenging, healthy and positive behavior can give children the support and understanding they need to be successful.
The long-term effects of psychotherapy on maternal criticism are significant.
Children who experience criticism are prone to psychological issues such as low self-esteem, depression and anxiety.
To prevent this, parents should use positive parenting techniques such as unconditional love, rewards and respectful communication.
This can help create an environment of trust, build confidence and promote healthy relationships.
We will talk about the girl again and again. We do not leave this case to her. I will say more and in more detail in future articles.
See also: Self Esteem And Pleasure
The process of psychotherapy requires commitment, dedication and is addressed only to those who seriously see that they need to change their lives. If you are thinking of starting this journey, please call me at 211 71 51 801 to make an appointment and let’s see together how I can help you.
Mixalis Paterakis
Psychologist Psychotherapist
University of Indianapolis University of Middlesex
Karneadou 37, Kolonaki (next to Evangelismos)
I accept by appointment
Tel: 211 7151 801
Female Psychoemotional Development – From Mother To Father And Back To Mother
Female Psychoemotional Development – From Mother To Father And Back To Mother
Ψυχολογος Ψυχοθεραπευτης
“θεραπεία σημαίνει η προσπάθεια να καταλάβει κανείς τον εαυτό του. Να τον κατανοήσει. Να μάθει γιατί μισεί, γιατί έχει χαμηλή αυτοεκτίμηση, γιατί δεν μπορεί να αγαπήσει, με λίγα λόγια να δει από που προέρχονται όλα αυτά…”
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Psychologist Psychotherapist
“healing means trying to understand oneself. To understand him. To find out why he hates, why he has low self-esteem, why he can’t love, in short to see where all this comes from…”
For anything psychological that concerns you, do not hesitate to contact. There is a solution to every problem we just need to see a little of you.